Function-Related Symptoms (TP 380XD, 385XD, 380Z - 2635)

Function-Related Symptoms
Symptom / Error    FRU / Action in Sequence
   The system does not suspend 1. Go to 'Suspend Mode and check that the
   or resume when the LCD is     computer can enter suspend mode
   closed or opened. 2. Boot an operating system and press Fn+F4. If the
      computer enters suspend mode, suspect that the application
      program is not working properly.
  3. LCD assembly
  4. System board
   The battery Fuel-Gauge does not    Go to 'Battery Checkout' and see the note
   go higher than 90%.  
   The memory count (size) appears    Go to 'Memory Checkout'
   different from the actual size.  
   The system configuration does not    Go to 'Checking the Installed Devices List'.
   match the installed devices.  
   The system hangs intermittently.    Go to 'Intermittent Problems'.

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