Adding Hard Disk Drives to a Cluster
Note: If the drives will be shared, define only one logical drive per array.
Note: Depending on the operating system, additional steps, such as assigning drive letters,
partitioning, formatting, and creating cluster resources, will be required to use the new logical
drive to store programs and data.
For information, see 'Creating a ServeRAID II Disk Resource on a ServeRAID II Server with MSCS'.
-Attention- Drives that are configured by one adapter in the pair must appear as RDY (ready) drives
to the other adapter in the pair.
The same must also be true in reverse. Be sure to verify this consideration when drives are added after the servers are started.
Restart the servers, or scan for new devices, or set the drives to RDY state using the RAID Administration and Monitoring Utility after
adding new drives to a server.
For more information, see 'ServeRAID II Considerations'.
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