Error-Recovery Commands

Error-Recovery Commands

The IPSSEND error-recovery commands include the following:

GETSTATUS Use the GETSTATUS command to display the current logical-drive status for the most recent rebuild, synchronization, or logical-drive migration.
The status includes such information as the remaining size of the logical drive, the percentage completed for the function in process, or information about the most recently completed logical-drive function.
Supported operating systems: Windows NT, OS/2, NetWare, OpenServer, UnixWare, and DOS

Command:  IPSSEND GETSTATUS Controller


REBUILD Use the REBUILD command to rebuild a designated disk drive.
This command is valid for disk arrays that contain one or more logical drives that are in the critical (CRT) state.
Progress is indicated during the rebuild operation, but you can also use the GETSTATUS command to obtain progress information about the rebuild.
Supported operating systems: Windows NT, OS/2, NetWare, OpenServer, UnixWare, and DOS



SETSTATE Use the SETSTATE command to change the state of a physical device from its current state to a new state.

  -Attention- You must be very careful when you use this command.
For example, you might lose data if you reset a Defunct (DDD) device to Online (ONL) without first performing a Rebuild operation.

Supported operating systems: Windows NT, OS/2, NetWare, OpenServer, UnixWare, and DOS

Command:  IPSSEND SETSTATE Controller Channel SID NState


UNBLOCK Use the UNBLOCK command to gain access to a blocked logical drive.
RAID level-0 logical drives become blocked if they are in an array that contains RAID level-1 or level-5 logical drives and the array is being rebuilt.
Because the RAID level-0 logical drives cannot be rebuilt, the data stored on the RAID level-0 logical drives is damaged and should not be accessed.
After you issue the UNBLOCK command, you must re-create or restore the data previously stored on the RAID level-0 logical drives.
Supported operating systems: Windows NT, OS/2, NetWare, OpenServer, UnixWare, and DOS

Command:  IPSSEND UNBLOCK Controller DriveNum


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