PC 300 6338 System Board Locations

ValuePoint 6381-SX System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6381-DX or DX2 System Board Locations

ValuePoint 6382-325T/S System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6382/S (Type-1) System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6382/S (Type-2) System Board Locations

ValuePoint 6384-325T System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6384-425SX System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6384-433DX or 466DX2 System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6384/D (Type-1) System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6384/D (Type-2) System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6384-P60/D Pentium® System Board Locations

ValuePoint 6387/T (Type-1) System Board Locations
ValuePoint 6387/T (Type-2) System Board Locations

Microprocessor Upgrade for > 6382/S 6384/D and 6387/T - Jumper

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