Determining Models 90/95 Processor Type

Determining Models 90/95 Processor Type

On these models, memory operation differs with each type of processor board (type 1, 2 or 3). Use any of these methods in the below described 'Processor Board Matrix (90/95)' to determine which one is it, then continue with the appropriate memory section.

Processor Board Matrix (90/95)
  1.  Go to the Diagnostic Main Menu and select Display revision levels (you might have to select More utilities  first). Note the submodel code displayed on the screen. (The customer can use this screen to tell you the submodel code.)
  2.  Read the FRU number printed near the card-edge of the processor board.
  3.  Look for a second label (marked P1 - PC) to the right on the front serial number of the system. The second label indicates that the processor  board has been upgraded.

The following table converts the model code, submodel code, FRU number, reference diskette type, or the second label to the processor type.

Mod Sub
Processor Board
FRU P/N Number
and Description
0GX 2D 2C 92F0049 486SX-20 -- 1
0JX 11 14 64F0201 486-25 P1 1
0KX 13 16 64F0198 486-33 P2 1
0MX 2B 2A 92F0048 486-50 P3 1
0GX 2F 2E 92F0065 487SX-20 P4 1
0HX 57 58 92F0079 486SX-25 P5 2
0HX 59 1 5A 1 92F0079 486SX-25 1 P6 2
0LX 3F 40 92F0161 486DX2-25/50 P7 2
0HX 5B 2 5C 2 92F0079 486-25/50 2 P8 2
0MX 29 28 82G2484 486-50
57F1597 486-50
P8 3
0NX 43 42 61G2343 486DX2-33/66 3 PB 4
0PX 45 46 92F0120 586DX2-66 PE 4
0NX 4 -- 44 61G2343 486DX2-33/66 3 PB 4
0PX 4 -- 47 92F0120 586DX2-66 PE 4

1 Also has 487SX processor (FRU P/N 92F0100)
2 Also has 486 processor (FRU P/N 92F0147)
3 Has built-in Level 2 cache
4 Model 9095A

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