CHECKPOINT Output (Display CP:xx)

CP : xx state/meaning, shown during Machine initialization (POST phase 1 and 2)

CP output during Stage 1 POST

CP code    Description
   01    Disable clock interrupts, turn off screen, mask off parity, initialize interrupt controller, initialize error logging formats
   02    Memory DMA refresh test
   03    Channel reset
   04    Test planar ports (94, 96, 100, 102) initialize default planar POS
   05    Check CMOS/NVRAM for validity, initialize EXPRESSWAY (on Model 90 systems only)
   06    Initialize dot clock
   07    Enable base memory
   08    Base memory testing - data integrity
   09    Base memory testing - addressability
   0F    Fatal base memory error - recovery not successful
   10    Start up drive 80
   11    Enable extended memory, initialize base memory, disable SRAM, reset parity/channel check. Initialize row, column of cursor.
   12    Test protected mode
   14    Initialize the 8259 interrupt controller
   15    Initialize the interrupt vectors
   16    Initialize BIOS interrupt vectors
   17    Verify DMA transfers
   18    POS setup, set CMOS clock
   1A    Set divide-by-0 interrupt vector
   24    Set CMOS equipment byte
   25    Check for manufacturing boot request
   30    Test DMA transfers
   34    Protected mode Shutdown
   35    Test video card type error
   40    Check for video feature ROM and video presence
   41    Reset parity and channel checks, load NMI vector with dummy interrupt handler, test timer, load NMI vector to POST NMI handler
   42    Test interrupt mask register
   43    Test interrupt mask register with device interrupt
   44    Check hot interrupts
   45    Check hot interrupts without I/O-memory parity enabled
   46    Interrupt mask error
   47    Timer 2 read/write, verify Timer 0 bits
   48    Verify Timer 2 output
   49    Verify Timer 0 on off bits
   4A    Verify Timer 2 output
   4B    Verify Timer 0 interrupt
   4C    Verify Timer 0 count/refresh
   4D    Verify Timer 3 NMI
   4E    Check keyboard controller for last command accepted
   5C    Set hardware interrupt vectors 0-7
   5D    Set hardware interrupt vectors 8-15
   5E    Set rest of interrupt vectors
   5F    Test serial port
   62    Turn on drive 0 motor
   64    Test ASYNC registers, modem control lines, and data loop. If ASCII console selected - initialize ASCII console as system display device
   65    Enable timer interrupts
   66    Check for manufacturing boot and unmask NMI interrupts
   6E    Check for system security or CE override conditions, run diskette testing and setup, go load first IML image
   80    Start of IML process. SCSI POST
   81    Diskette IML. Load and verify IML boot record from diskette
   82    Disk IML. Load and verify IML boot record from disk
   83    Diskette IML. Diskette recovery from SCSI IML failure. Load in and verify IML boot record from diskette
   90 - B6    Protected mode exception
   BE    Build descriptor tables for protected mode
   BF    Completion of descriptor tables for protected mode
   C0    Base memory addressing test, extended memory enable, base memory initialization
   CA    Cache testing (tag RAM, linefill, DMA snooping)
   CB    Second Group Cache Testing - L1 DMA snoop
   CC    Second Group Cache Testing - L1 linefill
   CD    Second Group Cache Testing - non cacheable range boundary
   CE    Second Group Cache Testing - L2 DMA snoop
   CF    Second Group Cache Testing - L2 linefill
   EB    Dual Bus Interface Controller internal register error
   F0    Protected mode initialization
   F1    Test interrupts in protected mode
   F2    Test exception interrupt in protected mode
   F3    Verify 286 descriptor instructions in protected mode
   F4    Verify 286 BOUND instruction in protected mode
   F5    Verify PUSHALL/POPALL instructions in protected mode
   F6    Verify ACCESSRIGHTS function in protected mode
   F7    Verify ADJUSTRPL fields in protected mode
   F8    Verify LOAD instructions in protected mode
   F9    Verify LOAD instructions in protected mode (continued)
   FA    Test low meg chip select in protected mode

CP output during Stage 2 POST

CP code    Description
   01    Flush cache, enable first meg of memory as cacheable, disable clock interrupts, mask off parity
   0B    Write output port command
   0C    Test Keyboard
   0D    Write byte command to keyboard controller
   0E    Keyboard error
   14    Initialize the 8259 interrupt controller
   15    Initialize display row count
   1B    Count memory size
   1C    Protect mode entered, determine extended memory size
   20    Extended memory size determined, store in CMOS/NVRAM
   21    Extended memory size stored, enter real mode
   22    Return from count memory size
   23    Set real mode stack and data area
   24    Set CMOS equipment byte
   34    Protected mode shutdown
   35    Test video card type error
   40    Initialize the video subsystem, set ASCII vectors, clear manufacturing error flags
   41    Reset the data segment
   4F    Determine warm start
   50    Call extended memory testing
   51    Protect mode entered, retrieve extended memory size
   52    Address test extended memory
   53    Memory test extended memory
   54    Extended memory testing complete
   55    Check if password is enabled
   56    Keyboard and mouse testing
   57    Keyboard auxiliary device test
   58    Verify an interrupt is generated by the keyboard
   59    Keyboard stuck key error
   5A    Auxiliary device testing
   5B    Reset timer, initialize keyboard
   5F    Enable Keyboard interrupts
   60    Enable diskette interrupt vector
   61    Diskette and FDC test
   62    Diskette and FDC test, diskette setup
   63    Initialize the BIOS Data Area
   65    Enable timer interrupts, check CMOS and battery, check for memory configuration errors
   66    Initialize diskette setup
   67    Enable interrupts
   68    Initialize real mode data segment
   69    Perform ROM scan
   6A    Initialize printer parameters
   6B    Set CMOS RS232, calculate usable memory values for CMOS
   6C    Initialize Math Coprocessor
   6D    Close window, setup keyboard, initprogs, set cache boundaries, enable cache, check full NVRAM errorlog, set time of day,
   clear descriptor tables, set POST stack, enable level 71-INT, return to overlay
   6E    Cleanup tasks before leaving POST, run boot routine
   6F    Boot strap loader, Interrupt 19h
   70    Read primary disk/diskette boot record
   71    Reset disk/diskette
   72    Interrupt 18h path
   73    RPL via Interrupt 18h
   84 - 85    Image overlay
   86    Store system partition pointer and system partition type. Return from boot record
   90 - B6    Protected mode exception
   BE    Build descriptor tables for protected mode
   BF    Completion of descriptor tables for protected mode
   D0    BASIC and VPD copies from ROM to RAM
   F0    Protected mode initialization
   F1    Test interrupts in protected mode
   F2    Test exception interrupt in protected mode
   F3    Verify 286 descriptor instructions in protected mode
   F4    Verify 286 BOUND instruction in protected mode
   F5    Verify PUSHALL/POPALL instructions in protected mode
   F6    Verify ACCESSRIGHTS function in protected mode
   F7    Verify ADJUSTRPL fields in protected mode
   F8    Verify LOAD instructions in protected mode
   F9    Verify LOAD instructions in protected mode (continued)
   FA    Test low meg chip select in protected mode

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