Cleaning the Mouse

Cleaning the Mouse

If the pointer on the screen does not move smoothly with the mouse, you might need to clean the mouse.

  1.  Turn off the computer
  2.  Disconnect the mouse cable from the computer.
  3.  Turn the mouse upside down.
     Unlock the retainer on the bottom of the mouse by moving it in the direction  indicated by the arrow on the retainer.


  4.  Turn the mouse right-side up, and the retainer and ball will drop out.
  5.  Wash the ball in warm, soapy water, and dry it well.
  6.  Using a damp cloth, wipe the outside of the mouse and the retainer.
     Be sure to wipe the rollers inside the mouse.
  7.  Insert the ball retainer.
     Lock the retainer by moving it in the opposite direction of the arrow.
  8.  Reconnect the mouse cable to the computer.

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